I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in private practice in St. Charles, Missouri. After much consideration I decided I needed to upgrade my website. I was told I would need to begin blogging to help myself be "relevant", whatever that means. I'll just come out and say it; I have no idea what I am doing! I just finished writing the frequently asked questions portion of my website and decided to share it in a blog post... Yay I have an acceptable idea for a blog topic... I think... Man, I hope someone reads this! I wanted to talk a little about the biggest obstacle I run into as a therapist which is people’s belief that only people who are "crazy" or in "crisis" go to counseling. What is that all about? I don't know about other therapists but many of my clients are as "high functioning" as the next guy! I find that there is no normal, perfect, or ideal. Every person has "issues" because no matter what you do life is happening and much of the time you are not in control. Our experiences impact how we function at work, in relationships, and in every aspect of our daily life. As a therapist, I genuinely care about people! It makes me happy to see people learn how to navigate this crazy mixed up world we live in. I don't know about you but I usually feel pretty good after I can talk with someone about what’s going on with me, which is a lot of what goes on in therapy. How can you change the future if you do not learn from your past? Counseling helps people increase awareness of their core beliefs and patterns of behavior and learn or redevelop a more healthy way of functioning. My goal is for clients to achieve their goals whatever they may be; therapy is the solution. So let’s talk!
Stephanie Devereux, MA, LPC